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Service95 Recommends Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi


Marjane Satrapi

Service95 Recommends Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. Relive the history of Tehran from the late 1970s to the early 1980s through the eyes of a child in this graphic novel. Discover Persepolis and other reviews with Service95 Recommends.

What We Say: Satrapi uses simple illustrations to convey a powerful message in response to the West's dehumanisation of Iranian people. Her work covers major events from the Islamic revolution, fundamentalist regime, and Iran-Iraq war through the eyes of a child, empowering future generations with knowledge about the challenges faced by the Iranian people.

What They Say: “Satrapi's deceptively simple, almost whimsical drawings belie the seriousness and rich complexity of her story – but it’s also very funny too” - Emma Watson

Available on, Waterstones and Barnes & Noble

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Jamie Styles is Editorial Assistant at Service95

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