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Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List
Service95 Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List

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Alana S Portero’s Recommended Reading List

Alana S Portero, author of Bad HabitDua’s Monthly Read for September – shares a reading list of the books that influenced her poignant coming-of-age novel following a young Trans woman in 1980s Madrid…

The Divine Comedy by Dante Dante Alighieri

Service95 Recommends Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

Porque asienta una estética y una poética del más allá que se repetirá en el imaginario literario y artístico humano hasta hoy mismo. Porque es una obra que nunca termina de revelarse del todo.

“Because it establishes an aesthetic and poetry of the afterlife that continues to be repeated in the human literary and artistic imaginary to this day. It’s a work that never fully reveals itself.”

A Midsummer’s Night Dream by William Shakespeare

Service95 recommends Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare

Es cómica, dramática, divertida, ensoñada, es el entretenimiento perfecto como lectura y admite todo el juego escénico que quiera inventarse a su alrededor. Es la obra de dramaturgias infinitas.

“Dramatic, dreamy, comical and fun – it’s the perfect entertaining read and invites all the visual play that you want to invent around it. It’s a work of infinite dramaturgy.”

Selected Poetry Of Lord Byron

Service95 Recommends The Selected Poems of Lord Byron by Lord Byron

Por afinidad personal con su obra, porque me empujó a escribir, porque me enamoré de él y porque cuando estaba inspirado, era el mejor.

“I have a personal affinity with his work because it pushed me to write. I fell in love with it and when he was inspired, he was the best.”

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brönte

Service95 Recommends Wuthering Heights by Emma Brontë

Mi novela preferida. Aunque se escribió un siglo después que “The castle of Otranto”, es la verdadera madre de la literatura gótica contemporánea. La historia de fantasmas perfectas, algunos reales y otros del alma. Es ira, humor, horror, desesperación, violencia, poesía y frío, mucho frío. Es perfecta.

“My favourite novel. Although it was written a century after The Castle Of Otranto, it’s the true mother of contemporary Gothic literature. The perfect ghost story, some real and others spirits. There’s anger, horror, despair, violence and poetry – it’s chilling, very chilling. Utter perfection.”

Sonetos Del Amor Oscuro by Federico García Lorca

Service95 Recommends Sonetos Del Amor Oscuro by Federico García Lorca

Una sensualidad que se abre paso a través de las metáforas más audaces del siglo XX, tanto, que funcionan como escaparate más que como escondite de las pasiones del poeta. Uno de los poemarios más hermosos que se pueden leer. Aquí Lorca está desnudo.

“A sensuality that makes its way through the most audacious metaphors of the 20th century, so much so that they function as a showcase rather than a hiding place for the poet’s passions. One of the most beautiful collections of poems that you can read. Here, Lorca is laid bare.”

The Man Who Fell In Love With The Moon by Tom Spanbauer

Service95 Recommends The Man Who Fell In Love With The Moon by by Tom Spanbauer

La única novela que le disputa el puesto en mi corazón a “Wuthering Heights”. Es sensual, hermosa, combina la alegría de vivir y amar con el horror de la pérdida. Es dulce y amarga, su forma es originalísima, discurre como un río. Es la novela que hubiera querido escribir y que jamás podré.

“The only novel that challenges Wuthering Heights for its place in my heart. It’s sensual, beautiful, combining the joy of living and love with the horror of loss. It’s sweet and bitter. Its form is very original, and it flows like a river. It’s the novel that I would have wanted to write and will never be able to.”

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